The Spanish Brideby Georgette Heyer
Brigade-Major Smith's lightning courtship made him laugh. If he disapproved of a promising young officer's tying himself up in matrimony, he did not say so. The baggage-train of the army was already clogged and hampered by wives and camp-followers; it is possible that his lordship, a realist, thought that one more would make little difference to an already existing nuisance. He said that Smith was a damned lucky young fellow; and at the end of twenty minutes' bantering conversation with Juana, announced that he would give the bride away himself. It was evident that he had taken a great fancy to the sparkling little creature: quite fatherly, of course, or perhaps avuncular. A shocking flirt, his lordship, but not the man to poach on a junior officer's preserves. He seemed genuinely distressed to hear of the sister's predicament, but the elder's condemnation of the sack of Badajos merely drew from him a cool. "War is always a terrible business, señora. The town ought not to have held out against us once the breaches were practicable." He turned to Juana, adding in a softer voice: "But Smith will take care of you, my dear. Report him to me if he doesn't!" He quite saw the need for Smith to marry Juana. "One of the best families," he told him. "Fallen on hard times, have they? Ah - h'm! You'll have to get a priest. Probably devilish strict." But Harry had already arranged that. The priest attached to the 88th Connaught Rangers had been engaged to perform the ceremony. Harry and Juana were going to have a drumhead wedding. "Very well," said his lordship. "But you'd
better get it
done quickly. We shall break up from camp in a day or two."
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